Types of SEO
As we all know, SEO is one of the technique to boost your website to improve the visibility of your business on the internet. Before going ahead with SEO you have to know more about the types of SEO we use to improve the ranking of your website. White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO, and Grey Hat SEO are the three different types of SEO techniques. Though white hat and black hat techniques have their own characteristics and advantages, companies/business will look for long-term, stable and sustainable results which can be accomplished only with white hat SEO.
White Hat SEO
As the name itself denotes, White Hat SEO is the genuine technique used to rank your website, which follows all the search engine guidelines to improve the visibility of your page on the internet. White hat technique is most widely used as it follows all the guidelines of search engines without exploiting the loopholes. You cannot expect any quick results in this technique but the driven results will be lasting.
So the question arises why to go for white hat SEO? Simple, if you follow the guidelines the results will automatically fall in place. Am I right? Our website will start ranking gradually and steadily. Last but not the least is the result will be long-lasting. Obviously, the next question will be what all things come under white hat SEO?
- Quality Content
- Proper use of keywords and meta tags
- site performance
- Link Acquisition
- Website HTML Optimization
Black Hat SEO
This technique is an unethical way of optimizing which is used to increase page or site’s ranks in major search engines. This practice leads to violating the search engines' terms of service and may end up on the site getting banned from the Search engines. As an SEO consultant, we usually not prefer and avoid using this technique for getting a better page rank in the search engines.
Is your site or page banned from the search engine? Don’t panic! Double check with the below tactics if you or your SEO consultant have used.
- Keyword Stuffing
- Doorway Pages
- Cloaking
- Hidden text or links
- Article Spinning
- Buying Links
- Automated queries to Google
- Content Automation
Gray Hat SEO
This technique is what its name suggests. It falls between both ‘White hat’ and ‘Black hat techniques’. You should be 100% sure of what you are doing before taking this approach. However, your site may or may not be banned from search engines and affiliate sites. There is a lot of uncertainty about what the Grey hat technique does. For example, few may consider duplicate content and paid links as the grey hat when actually it is illegal as per Google’s Webmaster guidelines and hence they fall under Black hat SEO.
Here are some of the tactics which are out of the scope of White hat SEO but technically legal:
- Charity Links
- Use Negative SEO
- Pay for Reviews
- Redesign you website frequently
- Write negative reviews
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